50 Years of Commercial Radio

In October 2023, LBC and its related national and international news service, Independent Radio News (IRN), will celebrate their joint fiftieth birthday. All those years ago on the morning of 8th October 1973 in a cramped basement just off Fleet Street, history was made as Britain’s first, legal, non-BBC station crackled into life.

It was followed a week later by Capital Radio and over the next three years the network grew quickly to 19 companies around the UK. It was the start of what is now a large but very different looking array of radio stations, both small and large, serving everything from tiny communities to the whole nation.

A celebration is being held in October for those who worked at LBC and IRN and if you would like to attend and have not already got your name on the list, please send an email to:   lbcirn@gmail.com

It is also hoped that we will be able to mark the spot in Gough Square where it all began by unveiling a plaque on the building that now occupies the site.